British Suzuki Music Association Gala UK

British Suzuki Music Association Gala UK

Royal Albert Hall, London

08th April 2023

    Event details

  • 08 April 2023 - 09 April 2023

  • Royal Albert Hall, London

  • Organiser


  • Programme

    The 2020 Gala Concert was meticulously planned before it was cancelled because of Covid, so the BSMA have kept the same format.

    Open to Violin, Viola, Violoncello, Double Bass, Piano, Flute and Recorder. Advanced Violins will play Mendelssohn concerto, 3rd movt. Cellos will play Haydn Concerto in C, 1st movt.

    Timothy Murray has composed a spectacular rendition of 'Greensleeves' for everyone as well as writing harmony parts for many of the SUZUKI™ repertoire pieces. Music is available from the BSMA.


  • Registration


    Teachers and parents are reminded that students must be members of their own national Suzuki association and can only be entered from qualified Suzuki teachers.  Registrations are invited from Book 2 students in all the above instruments.

    Details are now on the BSMA website.

    Early morning registration, then mandatory rehearsals scheduled that day. Gala Playtogethers in all instruments will be held on Saturday for Book 1 and 2 students, including pre-twinkle.

    SUNDAY 9 APRIL 2023
    Early morning check-in with a mid-afternoon Concert.

    In light of the passing of the Monarch and the period of National Mourning, we have taken the decision to postpone the Application period for the Gala at the Royal Albert Hall in 2023. Instead, we will open for applications on Wednesday 21 September; applications will close on Friday 21 October.

    All information will be on our website and you can go there now for details of the repertoire.

    Thank you for your understanding.